To bring a touch of class and culture to online dating, muzing, the app for meeting love and more, directly at the museum, was born. Created to inspire creativity through human and meaningful connections, exhibition after exhibition is actually more than that. In fact, the premise is as follows: many people would attend museums and galleries more if they had someone to go with. Muzing was also created to motivate them. In fact, not all registered users are only interested in meeting their soulmate, but a good portion of users seem to have signed up to meet new friends with whom they can share their passion for art.
During registration there is a requirement to upload at least one photo and a brief description of yourself to your profile, specifying whether you are looking for a new friendship or soul mate and whether you want to share your time with a man or a woman and the age range they should be. By entering one's geolocation, all the nearest exhibitions and all the offers museums have in store for art lovers will appear. In this initiative it is not only large museum institutions that are part of the digital circuit but also themed events in various cities. Openings, temporary exhibitions, meetings in the common spaces of the museums themselves.
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